Successful Innovation

Supported by accelerated changes in the economic environment, as well as technological and social media progress, innovation is nowadays reinventing. At INNOVORIS Labs we design and develop adaptable solutions for corporate innovation using the most recent know-how and best practices.
- Crowd innovation
- Innovation aligned with strategic objectives
- Innovation as a process
- Open Innovation
Corporate Innovation Solutions

Our solutions provide your organization the capability to network and orientate the intelligence and creativity of employees and external stakeholders (customers, suppliers, partners) towards a common ambition: to generate innovative ideas aligned with your strategic and innovation objectives.
- Stimulate innovation
- Capture ideas
- Collaboratively improve
- Evaluate & Select
- Implement
IdeaCenter Corporate Platform

IdeaCenter corporate idea management platform unlocks the innovation potential of your organization, offering solid benefits at both organizational and innovation process levels.
- Provide important innovation capability
- Foster a culture which encourages innovation
- Ideas and creative people get organization wide exposure
- Enables cross-pollination of ideas
- Reveals your employees tacit knowledge and creativity